davidl on May 4th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Obama dithered while the Gulf burned, a time line from Doug Ross:

Perhaps if the oil breached the Louisiana levees, then caught on fire, and then turned New Orleans into a Dresden-like inferno, the President would stop campaigning

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davidl on April 8th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Obama ponders destruction of the State of Israel, David Ignatius, RCP:

WASHINGTON — President Obama is “seriously considering” proposing an American peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to two top administration officials.

“Everyone knows the basic

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davidl on March 27th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Obamafada, Meryl Yourish:

So, the man who proclaimed to AIPAC that he had a “strong commitment” to the “unbreakable bond” between Israel and the United States is leading a full-court press to force Israel to yield to The

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davidl on September 6th, 2009

Van Jones the man behind the boycott of Glen Beck, communistist, Nine-Eleven Truther, rap artist, and the one’s green jobs czar has resigned his White House position.     It is only fair to go to Gateway Pundit for the story:


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davidl on July 14th, 2009

First the New York Slimes beathless headline, article by Mark Mazzetti and Scott Shane:

C.I.A. Had Plan to Assassinate Qaeda Leaders

The text of the article:

WASHINGTON — Since 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency has developed plans to dispatch small

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davidl on February 7th, 2009

Barack ObamaFrom the New York Slimes:

Mr. Obama called Ms. Collins and Mr. Specter, as well as Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, another Republican expected to support the deal, to acknowledge they were acting against pressure from their party

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