Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Gina McCarthy is urging so-called scientists to push the Obama administration’s political agenda, via Karen, Lonely Conservative:
“I need you now more than ever to speak the truth,” McCarthy said. “I need you to stand up together with us and explain what the science is telling you.
“To tell people that science and technology improvements will allow us to take action moving forward that meets the needs of this president as he has charged EPA, which is to look at climate change as something where we can innovate and we can move forward to grow the economy, to grow jobs, to understand how we’re producing sustainable, livable communities,” McCarthy said.
Rubbish! Truth is not a scientific concept. A scientific theory can never be proven true. A theory can only be dis-proven. As a theory can never be proven, it can never be asserted to be a fact. Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity are profound but they are not facts. As opposed to Michael Mann style hockey rubbish, Einstein helped explain the Universe. In contrast the Warmists can not even explain the weather. As the Warmists are unable to explain the weather, they can’t explain how to fix it.