Hat tip headline: Sundance
When you care enough to steal only the best.
It is bad enough to be a pseudo President crippled by dementia. Having your Defense Department go rogue and attacking sovereign foreign nation without any apparent notification
Continue reading about Someone From the Biden Administration Bombed Syria – White House Silent
Do you have a room temperature, or better, IQ and count the Delaware Dimwit, a/k/a Slow Joe, b/k/a Mr. Joe Biden(Delaware)? If so, Sloe Joe just called you a moron, from Town Hall:
Throughout the scandals of the last
Joseph Biden, a/k/a Slow Joe crawled out his Delaware basement.
The Pro-Trump supporters outside of Joe Biden’s Lancaster, PA event have been joined by a truck. pic.twitter.com/wPADnQgcEt
— Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) June 25, 2020
from Biz Pac Review:
Continue reading about Slow Joe Crawls Out of His Basement, Finds MAGA
Slow Joe, b/k/a Joseph Biden(moron – DE) has a very simple message for black voters, if you dare wonder off the democrat plantation by not voting for him, you are not black:
A Biden staffer attempted to end Joe Biden's
It has been said that a mistake is when a politician accidently tell the truth. Did Slow Joe, b/k/a Joseph Biden(moron – Delaware) just make a mistake. Hunter Biden has no known business skills. Yet foreign concerns pay the
Letting Ronald Reagan run as Ronald Reagan was winning strategy because the Gipper had good political instints. Whereas Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi’s retort “[A]nd the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden” reeks of desperation, from Breitbart:
What the junior senator from California, Kamela Harris, had to say about the confirmation hearings for Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, from American Spectator
Our society is littered with glaring examples of the rich and powerful facing minimal consequences for their
Slow Joe, b/k/a Joseph Biden, has been credibly accused of sexual assualt, from Daily Caller:
Every Democrat in the Senate has refused to acknowledge the sexual assault allegations against 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden that were brought forward by
Continue reading about Senate ‘Rats Tongued Tied on Slow Joe Sexual Assault Allegations

When [Tara] Reade originally came forward in April of 2019, she joined about a half-dozen women
If Joe Biden jumps into the Democratic primary, [Mrs.] Clinton will be
Joe Biden has been making his 2016 deliberations all about his late son since August.
Continue reading about Joe Biden, the Village Idiot, Plays the Dead Son Card
Continue reading about Joe Biden: Raise the Minimum Wage Or Biden’s IQ

The Snark of the Day, from Joe Biden:
“John [Kerry], thank you for your passion and perseverance and the incredible, incredible energy you’ve shown in representing American interests around the world,” Biden said. “I have been here for — I