davidl on January 6th, 2021

Note, no known primary reliable sources were used to write this article, from Drive:

A report by CBS News states that Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers in New York heard a clear threat apparently directed at them via

Continue reading about Nine Eleven Redux

davidl on September 12th, 2020

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, meet the late Fred Phelps, from Independent(UK):

Fred Phelps, founder of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, and the “Gods Hate Fags” fundamentalist movement, has died, according to his son, Timothy Phelps. He was

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davidl on May 20th, 2020

Citizens are entitled their rights, choices, which are said to endowed by our creator.  However they not entitled any protects from their fellow citizens for the consequences of their own choices, from PJ Media:

LGBTQ Activist Groups Pressure Government

Continue reading about It is Your Bed, Now Lie in It

davidl on March 28th, 2020

I am not clear if the proposal is referring to all of New York State or just New York City, from John Solomon, Just the News:

[President Donald Trump] “We’d like to see New York [City?] quarantined because it’s

Continue reading about Please, President to Quarantine NYC?

davidl on December 20th, 2016

The party of petulant losers attempted to sow the seeds of discontent in the Electoral College.  They got historic results, but not the result wanted, from Townhall:

As it turns out, all of those reports about rogue electors have

Continue reading about Electoral College: ‘Rats Reap What They Sow

davidl on June 19th, 2015

I will leave Eric to comment on the Charleston’s Emanuel AME mass murder.   I will comment on Dim Won’s, a/k/a President Barack Obama, cheap opportunist attempt to advance a pet issue, citizen disarmament, while the victim’s bodies were still warm.  

Continue reading about Barack Obama, Fearless Fosdick And Charleston

Eric Florack on March 23rd, 2015

I’m coming off the first extended weekend I’ve had in several weeks. Kinda nice being able to spend some time around the house. My truck needed some work anyway, and I had some paperwork that I had to complete. the

Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Beer

davidl on January 3rd, 2015

Shovel_GoldenMayor Bill, b/k/a New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks the New York City Police Department is the problem, from Heather Mac Donald, New York Daily News:

Following the nonindictment of Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the lethal arrest

Continue reading about Golden Shovel Award: Bill De Blasio

davidl on October 21st, 2014

Obama_Barack-chaiirThere is no I in the word team and with Dim Won, b/k/a President Barack Obama, there is nothing more important than feeding his vanity, from Hill:

President Obama delivered a blow to Democratic Senate candidates looking to distance

Continue reading about Obama: Does Dim Won Want a Republican Senate?

Eric Florack on July 11th, 2014

OK, so by now, everyone has seen Obama’s comment about how he wasn’t interested in photo ops along the Texas border with Mexico. And, of course, everyone knows that’s a crock. I note McPhillips on Facebook saying so. I also

Continue reading about Photo Ops?

Eric Florack on June 12th, 2014

Billy Beck over at Facebook just now…

It constitutes a *lethal* national disaster to maintain open borders and a welfare-state at the same time.

Is there anyone who does not understand this?

The implications of this understanding are staggering.

Continue reading about They’ve GOTTA Know….

I notice today over at Q&O, that Bruce McQuain has written an article as regards Europe’s gas problem. It’s a problem that we should have predicted a long time ago and done something about.  And I’ll tell you true, that

Continue reading about How Obama Could Solve the Russian Problem, And Our Economy At the Same Time

Eric Florack on April 1st, 2013

Here’s a point I’ve been making for some time, now…. as expressed by Terry A. Hurlbut at the site Conservative News and Views:

Everyone remembers the anti-propaganda campaign that followed: “Bush Lied; People Died!”, “General Betray-Us,” et cetera ad nauseam

Continue reading about Saddam’s WMD Still Alive And Well, in Syria

Eric Florack on November 23rd, 2012

OK, let’s start with a memory:

Well, the meaning of a yellow light is changing, according to the National Journal:

The National Motorists Association has a warning for the millions of drivers hitting the road for the busy holiday travel

Continue reading about What Does a Yellow Light Mean?

Eric Florack on October 21st, 2012

Why did Benghazi happen?

It’s a question the news media and the left keeps asking,  along with a number of Americans who decided back in ’08, along with that magnificent mental midget John McCain, that we had nothing to fear

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